Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prayer Reminder Poster

 I think teaching our kids to pray is one of the greatest favors we can do for them.. Recently I've done a whole series on prayer, and one of the learning tools/crafts I liked was the prayer reminder poster.
 I hate wasting time, money, and supplies on crafts that kids either leave in the classroom or will throw away when they get home. So, I try to do things that they can use, wear, hang in their rooms, that are very thought provoking, or present a challenge. Like this...

The Prayer Reminder Poster


  1. Praying Hands Coloring Page
  2. Construction Paper
  3. Glue
  4. Markers
  5. Crayons
  6. Scissors
  7. Stuff To Decorate (Glitter, Stickers, Foam Cut Outs, etc.)
Here is a link to the praying hands coloring page I used.

Step 1.
Color praying hands using markers, crayons, or colored pencils

Step 2.
Cut out praying hands. You can let the kids do this or you can do it yourself.
Step 3.
Glue hands to the piece of construction paper...the praying hands...not the kids hands though I have had that happen before. Note: Always keep baby wipes and a first aid kit ready at a moments notice. lol
Step 4.
Have the kids write "Pray" at the top of their poster.
Then have them write a thing to pray for on each finger. Give them 5 fields to choose from, one for each finger.
1. A Ministry Or Group (Police, Church, Military, Missionaries, etc.)
2. A Person In Their Life (Parent, Grandparent, Friend, Aunt Uncle, etc.)
3. A Country (America, Africa, Japan, China, etc.)
4. A Spiritual Thing (Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Help Witnessing, etc.) 
5. A Material Thing They Want (Xbox, Dog, Dress, Movie, Bikes, etc.)

Step 5.
Let the kids go crazy with glitter, stickers, foam cut outs, and whatever else you have on hand. Just let it be fun. Remember this is something they will hang in their room, so the crazier the better usually.

The Finished Product!!

 This is a very simple craft, but it is very impacting. Tell your kids to think of it as a homework assignment for the week. They will hang the poster in their room to remind them to pray for their 5 things every day. By next week's class you should be able to discuss how things went. 
Was it hard to pray every day?
Did they see anything thing happen due to their prayers?
Will they continue to pray every day?
Why is it important for them to pray every day?
Did praying help them feel closer to God?

I hope this craft will help you minister the power of prayer to your class!

Is there another theme you need a craft for? If so leave them in the comments below, and I will try to work up something in a new blog.

Good Luck,


  1. Thank you for a meaningful craft that is inexpensive to make but really imparts the power of prayer in the childrens own lives! I plan on using this craft next Sunday in our children's church. Thank you!

  2. Great Idea!! I think that I will use it as a craft this week as we learn the Spirit of Faithfulness. Simple but wonderful tactile reminder!!
    Thank you so much
    Mary from Smithtown NY

  3. love this am going to use this for my Sunday School Class!!!

  4. Hi,really liked your ideal and was wondering is there anyway you can send me the download or copy of the praying hand coloring page. I searched and can not find it on that website. Would love to use it for my Wed night girls club at church this week. Thanks for any help. My email is lmjc1@outlook.com

  5. Hi Blessings
    I was searching Kids activity program for my kids ministry (Pakistan)i am just surprise to see your working for Sunday school i am now just following your blog for kids activities you are doing a great job May Lord Jesus Christ Bless you Richly
