Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Heart Hat

 As most of you know our class has been doing a unit on love this month. Well, my class kiddos are older so we don't do crafts very often, but they really enjoyed this one. Even my twelve year olds were running to show there parents what they made after church.

~All You Need Is~
Note:I recommend buying the super cheep flimsy plates, because they're easier to cut.

This is a suuuuuper simple craft. All you have to do is,
1. Fold the plate and cut a heart in the center. Then fold it forward so the heart stands up.
2. Let the kids decorate it. 
Note: I recommend writing a verse on it first just to tie it in with a lesson.

And then....TA DA! It's a heart hat!

It's really that simple. This is a such a super fun and easy craft. I hope it goes over as well in your class as it did in mine! 
On a side note...I  found this heart hat idea from's a neat website for all you parents out there.

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